Yorkshire Dales

On Tuesday the 24th of May we left York and went back to Newcastle. In the morning we woke up. When I woke up Dad was just leaving to pick up the hire car that we were going to use for the day. While Dad was gone everyone else woke up and went down to have breakfast. I had another big breakfast.

After breakfast we all hoped in the car and drove to Skipton. At Skipton we parked the car at a canal. We saw a boat on the canal that was just about to take people for a ride along the canal so we quickly jumped on. We went for a half an hour tour along the canal. It was really good and very pretty.
When we got back from the tour we were all getting a bit hungry. So Dad went and got some subway for himself, Tyler and I. Mum and Christine got some lunch from a little cafe that was next to the water. While Dad was getting the subway Tyler and I got some bird food and fed the ducks. Once I had finished my bag Tyler still had a little bit of his bag left. I told Tyler that I had finished my bag and another lady who had a bag over heard and she gave me her bag because she had to leave. I had hardly started the other lady’s bag when Dad got back. I showed Dad that I still had a full bag and explained how the other lady gave it to me.

Then Dad had an idea. He cracked a couple of  the pellets in half and put them on his hand and held his hand up at waist height and then some pigeons flew up and sat on his hand and ate all of the food. Tyler and I really liked the idea so we tried it. We had great fun playing with the pigeons. They were even sitting on our heads. After having fun with the pigeons we got back in the car and had lunch.
We then went to Bolton Abbey. At Bolton Abbey Tyler and I heard that you could go across a river by some stepping stones so we got really excited. When we got to the stepping stones the river was flowing really fast so it was gushing over the stones (well Tyler and I didn’t think it was). Because it was “gushing over” the stones Mum and Dad said we weren’t allowed to cross using them. That put Tyler and I in a really bad mood.

After the river we went to the actual abbey. First we had a look around at the outside that was falling down. There were also lots of gravestones outside. Then we went inside. It had been all redone so it looked really good. After looking around in there we went back up to the car. Before we got in we went into the gift shop and Tyler and I got an ice-cream each.

Then we headed to Aysgarth Falls. They were some amazing waterfalls. The waterfalls looked like coke frothing. At one of the little waterfalls you could touch the water. We didn’t touch the water but we went close to it. After watching the amazing waterfalls we headed back to Newcastle.

I wanted to get back really fast because I was going to one of the Girls Brigades over in England. I only got there for the last half an hour or so. I didn’t do any activities or anything I just talked to the captain about the Girls Brigade that I go to and there Girls Brigade. The girls there were making some fortune cookies for me. Each of the girls there had written a note to put inside the cookies.
They also gave me a notepad and pen that had “Girls Brigade” written on them, a cup thing that a curly straw and “Girls Brigade” written on the front, both of those items also had a little teddy bear on them. They also gave me some of the badges that they get and a really cute teddy bear that has a hoddie with the Girls Brigade emblem on it and has Girls Brigade written on it. I named It Pamela after the Captain of that company. Before we went back to Christine’s house we gave our email address to Pamela so we could stay in touch. When Girls Brigade was over we said goodbye and thank you to everyone.

Then we went back to Christine’s house for a good night’s sleep. We all had a great day. I loved going to a Girls Brigade in England!