Edinburgh - Scotland

On Thursday the 26th of May we went to Edinburgh. In the morning, once we were ready, we got on a bus to go to the train station. When we got to the train station we got on a train to go to Edinburgh. When we got to Edinburgh Dad took our bags to a bus station. The people that worked at the station looked after our bags for the day.

Once Dad came back we went up Carlton Hill. On the hill there was a tower that you could climb; some ruins called the Acropolis which was 12 columns that were supposed to be 42 but it was costing too much so they just stopped building it and left it with just 12. Firstly we went for a walk around all of the ruins. That was fun because there were lots of rocks to climb on.
Then we climbed up the tower. Mum stayed down the bottom but she got some photos of us from the ground. Then, finally, we tried to climb up onto the columns so we could get a photo. It was really hard but we finally made it. Once we had got the photos we had to get down again. That took a bit but not as much as getting up.
Then we went and got our bags and checked in at the Travelodge that we were staying at. It was fairly different to the other Travelodges that we have stayed in.

Next we went to the Edinburgh Dungeon. The Edinburgh Dungeon was a little bit like a guided tour but had different people talking to you in each room. Only Dad, Tyler and I went in, Mum stayed outside.  It was extremely scary. The first room in the tour was an old court. There was an actor who was pretending she was the judge. Dad got accused of stealing some pink knickers and bras and then running around with them on yelling out something. He was convicted and sentenced to be hung by the neck until dead.
The next room was a room where a man showed you lots of tools that they used to use for torture. My favourite tool was the “tommy chopper”. I can’t tell you what it is but it could only be used on men. I thought it was really funny. There were also lots of other rooms. They was a lady telling us about a weird family where they were all murderers, even the children, a very scary boat ride, a room where we were shown how they did an autopsy and took out all of the organs from a dead human, a little corridor where we were told about a ghost called Mary King and a grave yard.
At the end there was a terrifying ride that went up fairly high and then just practically fell until you reached the ground. They said that we were all guilty of crimes and being hung by the neck. There were some fast speed cameras that took our photo in the middle of the fall.
At the end of the freaky tour we were able to buy the photo. We bought two photos; the one where we were falling, and one that they took at the start with Mum, Tyler, Dad and me. You can see both of the photos in one of the photo collages. I also bought a couple of things from the shop at the end. They was a mini ornament that was a tommy chopper and another little ornament that had a dead body lying on a table that they would lie on if they were having their organs taken out. Tyler also bought a couple of things. The dungeon was fun and extremely freaky.
After the Dungeon we went and had Chinese meal before returning to out Travelodge.


On Friday the 27th of May we had breakfast in bed because we had ordered breakfast packs which were delivered to our door. After breakfast we went to some shops on the way to the Royal Mile. The first place we went on the Royal Mile was “The Camera Obscura”. It is a place that tricks your eyes with lots of optical illusions. It had an amazing mirror maze where you had to find your way from the starting door to the finish door.

There were five floors with different types of illusions on each one. I liked the floor with lots of games and one with big tubes that had electricity running through them. When you touched them the electricity went all fuzzy. On the top floor there was a very old camera which used a periscope to shine what you could see onto a white bowl shaped table. We could see all of Edinburgh with cars and people moving around.
Next we went to a Whiskey distillery where they showed you how to make whiskey. It was called the Heritage Whisky Centre. At the start we had to hop into barrel shaped carriages which were connected to wires. They took you around and showed you how they make whiskey. All the pictures and movies were projected onto screens. There was a man who kept on popping up telling you about what is happening on the pictures and movies.

At the end of the tour Mum and Dad got to try some whiskey. Tyler and I tried a different type of soft drink. It is the only type of soft drink that I like. After the distillery we went to the “Museum Of Scotland”. In the museum there were lots of old things that people had found. They all had something to do with Scotland. We didn’t have much time there because we had to catch our train home and because it closed.
We all had a great day. Especially the Camera Obscura.