
On Monday the 30th of May we all went to Durham. In the morning we got up and got ready. When we were ready we got on the bus to go to the train station. We were planning to meet Netta, my Nan’s auntie, on the bus. Sure enough, on the way to the station, Netta came onto the bus. When we got to the train station we quickly hopped on the train. We all ended up sitting apart instead of together because we hadn’t reserved any seats. That was okay though because we were only on the train for about ten minutes before we came to our stop.
When we got off the train we headed to the cathedral. When we got there Christine and Netta stopped at a little café to have some lunch. Dad, Tyler, Mum and I went in to the Durham Cathedral while they were eating. The cathedral was really pretty. When we entered we bought some little pieces of paper that had lots of things that we could find in the cathedral. We only had time to do one out of the four so we decided to do Tyler’s. It was okay to start with but then it just got hopeless. The pictures on the sheet were terrible and the clues didn’t help at all. So we just gave up and went for a little bit more of a look around.

When we left the cathedral we headed back to the little café to find Christine, Netta and Mum who had gone to get a coffee a little while before. When we found them, Christine gave Tyler and I a cookie each. Then we headed down to the river.


At the river there was a boat cruise that was about to leave so we hopped on. The cruise went for about an hour. It went a little way up stream then back to where we started. Then it went a little way down stream then back. It was also sort of guided with the driver as the guide. The cruise was really good.

Once the cruise was over Dad, Tyler and I went to see how much it cost to hire a rowing boat for a little while, whilst Mum, Netta and Christine went into the restaurant that was next to the water. It was quite cheap but it went for an hour and we didn’t have that long so we asked the man if we could do it for half the price for half an hour. He said yes so we took the boat out onto the river. We went downstream most of the time but at the end we went upstream for a little bit. We all took it in turns rowing. Sometimes Dad would row on his own, sometimes Tyler would row on his own, sometimes I would row on my own and sometimes Tyler and I would row together. Because the rower of the boat couldn’t see what was coming the other people had to direct him or her. One time when Dad was driver he stopped and just let us drift while he did something and then we ran into a tree, well Dad did. Tyler and I saw it coming so we didn’t say anything to Dad. Dad kept letting the boat drift for a little while the branches came and hit Tyler and me. Then we got all tangled up in the branches. When our time was up and we had got untangled, we took the boat back.

Then we got Mum, Netta and Christine and went back to the train station. When we got back to the train station in Newcastle we said goodbye to Netta because she was taking a different bus back to her house than us. When we got back to Christine’s house we had tea, got ready and went to bed.

It was a great day. The best part was the rowing on the river.