
On Sunday the 22nd of May we went to York. In the morning we had to get up really early. We then had to pack some bags and get ready. Then we caught a bus into Newcastle. We then went to the train station where we caught a train to York. When we got to York we went to a little cafe where we all had coffees and hot chocolates. Dad then took all of our bags to the Travelodge.

While he was doing that we went into a park for a little bit. We saw some squirrels. After the park we went into town where we did some shopping. Mum bought heaps of little teaspoons. Then we went into a little restaurant. We got a bowl of chips to share and while we were eating them we got a call from Dad saying that we could meet him at the Minster. The minster was only around the corner so we kept eating the chips while Mum went to meet dad.
When Mum brought Dad back we saw a busker. A busker is a person who plays music or does something like that to get money. This person that we saw was doing special tricks with a glass ball. He was really good. We gave him some money. Then we kept moving.

We went to Jorvik Viking Centre. It is a place where they are showing you a lot about how the Vikings lived back then. Firstly we went on a little ride thing that took you around a man-built area that showed you a little bit about the way that they lived. It was also like a little audio guided tour.
After a couple of rides on there, we went onto an area that you walk through. There was a man that was telling us about lots of things that were found by archaeologists. Then we kept moving. We then came to a lady who was telling people about the coins. Tyler and I bought a coin that she had just stamped. It looked like one of the coins that the Vikings used. After a little bit more looking around we left the Jorvik Viking Centre.

Once we got out we heard some music. We noticed another busker who was playing an electric violin. It was amazing. He had made some C.D.’s that were for sale so we got one. Next we went to our Travelodge. Once we got there we went to the restaurant that was at the Travelodge for tea. It was very yummy. We all had roasts. We then went back to our room and went to bed. We had a great day. We loved just touring around York.

On Monday the 23rd of May we went for a walk around York. Firstly, when we woke up, we went and got some breakfast from the Travelodge restaurant. It was a very big yummy breakfast. After breakfast Mum and Christine went shopping. Dad, Tyler and I went for a tiny walk around the corner to Clifford’s Tower. When we got there we saw lots and lots of school kids so we decided to keep walking and not go there yet.

Just up the road a bit we saw a museum. We decided to go in and have a look. It was really good. It was showing you how people lived in the old days. Some things were really old but some things were quite new. There were lots of different areas. Like, there was cleaning things, the kitchen, shops in the streets, the sixty’s, life in the wars and children’s toys. There were also some toy things that you put a little bit of money in a money hole and then a toy thing would move around. The things that moved around were firemen fighting a fire, some singers singing, Aladdin getting into the cave with the jewels, a fortune teller telling someone their fortune and something else but I can’t remember what it was.
Tyler and I also bought a couple of things. I bought a sugar mouse from the sweet shop in the streets of the museum. Tyler bought a chocolate mouse. From the gift shop at the reception I got an old spinning top thing and Tyler got this rubber snake that stretches really far. After the museum we went to get some lunch. We ended up just getting some sausage rolls.

After lunch we went into the Minster. For the first hour or so Dad, Tyler and I went on a treasure hunt. We were looking for some things that were on a sheet of paper. It was lots of fun. We each found lots of things. After doing the treasure hunt we went downstairs. We asked the man at the reception if they still had the audio tour. Sadly they said they didn’t. So we just went down there and had a look at all of the things. I remembered almost every single bit of it from when I was there 4 years ago. It was really good. There were so many old artefacts. It was showing who lived in England and when they lived here. The artefacts were things that archaeologists dug up and they had something to do with the people who came here before the English. It was very good. I don’t think it was as good down there as it was last time because there was no audio tour but it was still good.
Once we had finished down there we went and met Mum and Christine. After meeting them we went and had tea at a pub. It was a pub that we went to the last time we went to York. The food was very yummy. We also liked the straws that they had. They were like the normal straws but they were longer and could bend more. Next we went to the Travelodge that we were staying in.
We all had a really good day. I loved the treasure hunt in the Minster.