A Day out with Dave

On Friday the 20th of May Tyler, Dad and I went over to Dave’s house. The main reason we went over there was because Dad wanted to watch the match of footy. As you could probably guess Geelong was playing and they were versing Carlton. Geelong won by two points. That made Dad happy.
After the game Dave took us for a walk to the Rising Sun Country Park. We firstly walked along a gravel track that was next to a dirt track. That went on for a while but then we reached some bush. We walked through the bush for quite a long time. At last we reached our destination. It was the café that was in the bush. But then we noticed something really annoying. It was closed. So Dave told us that there was a McDonalds a fair way up the track. We kept walking until we got to there. We had a very yummy lunch.

After lunch we started on the track back to Dave’s house. Tyler and I kept stopping to see a big stag and to feed some horses. When we were nearly back at Dave’s house we stopped at a fairly large patch of grass to play a game of soccer. They call soccer football over here. After our game we went back to Dave’s house and then he took us back to Christine’s house. At Christine’s we had some tea and went to bed because it was quite late.